Summer Fitness in the Park
This summer, we want you to experience a new way to work out, while enjoying your neighborhood parks! We are offering different classes throughout the summer with some of your favorite instructors.
These classes are free for all to attend! Signed waivers are required to participate.
Pilates with Rose
June 10th 10:00AM
Controlled core movements and breath work are the foundation of this class.
Fitzgerald Park (83rd & Nashville)
Werq with Ibrahim
July 15th 10:00AM
Move and shake to the current popular music. A fun class for all.
Fitzgerald Park (83rd & Nashville)
Zumba with Stella
June 27th 10:00AM
Dance and have fun with this energizing class.
Stevenson Park (6100 W 85th Street)
Running Circuit Training with Stacy
August 4th 10:00AM
Running, climbing, lifting, jumping — you name it, this class has it.
MacArthur Park (83rd & McVicker)
Yoga with Courtney
August 19th 10:00AM
Stretch, relax, and move in nature with our outdoor yoga practice.
Narragansett Park (77th & Narragansett)
Body Weight Interval with Jillian
June 24th 10:00AM
Using just your body weight, try this fun and challenging cardio blast.
Harr Park (83rd & Laramie)
Swallow Cliff Bootcamp with Courney
August 5th 10:00AM
Take a trip to the stairs and get your heartrate up for an intense bootcamp-style workout.
Swallow Cliff Stairs* (Sag Valley Trail, Palos Park, IL, 604564)
*Signed participation waiver is required