Pool Rentals
To book a pool rental, please come in person to Fusion Recplex. *Rentals on Saturdays and Sundays have the option to add one additional hour to their pool party. Visit our front desk to find out how! Pool rentals must be made in person and must be paid in full.
Our Splash Bash Pool Rentals include:
- All Certified Lifeguards
- Two-Flume Waterslide
- L-Shaped Main Pool
- Two Low Diving Boards
- Zero-Depth to Two Feet Aquatic Playground
Pool Rental Days and Times
Tuesday, Thursday, Fridays: 7:15PM – 9:15PM
Saturday & Sunday: 6:15PM – 8:15PM*
Rental Prices
People Resident Non-Resident
100 or less $550 $650
101-300 $700 $850
301+ $1000 $1200
Additional Notes and Fees
- For groups over 250, there will be an additional charge of $2 per person on all patrons age 3 years and over. Please be accurate in the amount of participants at your party so we can put the appropriate number of staff on duty.
- Pool capacity is 873 people.
- There is no refund if you cancel or change original date on permit, unless it is done 14 days prior to party.
- Concession stand is available for all parties for a fee of $100. Requests for the concession stand may only be made with full payment at the time of application to allow for staff scheduling.
- You may also bring your own food for a $75 non-refundable fee.
To reserve your date, please contact us at 708-599-3873 or email info@burbankparkdistrict.org.