BURBANK is the place to BE!
The Burbank Police Department, adjoining lots, and Rice Park. This is an indoor/outdoor event. 5650 W. 75th Place, Burbank IL 60459
El Departamento de Policia de Burbank estacionamiento y Rice Park esto es un Evento afuera y adentro.
NNO is Tuesday, August 6th from 5 PM to 8 PM. Following the NNO events, there will be a Community Bonfire and Movie in the Park at Rice Park beginning 8PM.
Martes, 6 de Agosto de 5pm-8 pm. Despues de NNO eventos va aver una fogata y pelicula empezando a las 8 pm.
Exotic Cars, Detention Facility Tours, Child ID Fingerprint Kits, Bouncy Slide & Obstacle Course, petting zoo, Softplay Chicago, DJ Marcos providing all of your favorite hits, cultural dance shows, games and activities for all ages.
Una muestra de autos, recorrido de la estacion de policia de burbank, pintura para la cara, casas inflables, zoologico de animales acariciables, bailes colturales, juegos y actividades para todas las edades.
Tons of delicious local food giveaways, concessions & food truck fare available for purchase:
Andy’s Custard
Chucks BBQ
Prairie Materials Hot Dog Truck
Talerico-Martin Bakery
Delite Mexican Cuisine
Dubin’s Pizza
Falafel Truck
Starbucks Coffee
Cece’s Chicken
Boba Heaven
Cake & Bake
Hello Shawerma
Meat Moot
Mucha comida para comprar, y mucha comida gratis para probar
Parking is available at the Rice Park parking lot off of 77th street and the District 111 administration building off of Central Ave. Overflow parking will be allowed at Kennedy School.
Estacionamoineto disponible en rice park y en la escuela Kennedy.
Thank you so much to our generous sponsors:
- Volcano Buffet
- Burbank Community Bank
- McDonalds
- Burbank Chamber of Commerce
- Talerico-Martin Bakery
- Delite Mexican Cuisine
- Carlos Lomeli Photography
- Mario Tricocci
- Gimme Beauty
- DJ Marcos Vasquez
- Prairie Materials
- Palestinian American Club
- Sagrada Familia Funeral Home
- PNC Bank
- Meat Moot
- Cecy’s Chicken
- Boba Heaven
- Byline Bank
- Cake & Bake
- AllTech Tracking
- Starbucks Coffee
- Durbin’s Pizza
- Haunted Trails
- Andy’s Ice Cream
- Ramar Restaurant Equipment & Supplies
- Pizza Hut
The Movie in the Park and Bonfire will begin at 8PM in Rice Park. The movie will be Jumanji. It is rated PG and appropriate for most all ages. Please bring a blanket or seating for the movie and bonfire.
Thank you to Public Works and Burbank District 111 for providing services for these activities.
Join the Burbank Police Department for National Night Out on Tuesday, August 6th from 5 to 8 PM.
Join the Burbank Fire Department for their annual Breakfast with the Firemen. Enjoy Pancakes, Coffee, Sausage, Milk with your favorite firemen.
6530 West 79th Street
7:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Donation $5.00