Older Adult Programs
Better with Age Bingo (Senior Bingo)
Age: 55+
All seniors are invited to play Bingo with us at the Burbank Park District. Our Better With Age Bingo provides a afternoon full of fun and community! Socialize with your peers and play for the opportunity to win a prize. You can win gift cards, special treats, or even the mystery grand prize! Coffee and snacks are provided.
This is even is free, but please call Fusion Recplex to pre-reserve your spot: 708-599-3873
Location: Fusion Recplex | Time: 1:00PM – 2:30PM
Bingo is every 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month.
Day Date Fee
Tues March 7th and 21st Free
Tues April 4th and 18th Free
Tues May 2nd and 16th Free
Senior Movie
Age: 55+
Join us to watch the newest movies and old classics, while you catch up with friends. Lite snacks are provided.
This is even is free, but please call Fusion Recplex to pre-reserve your spot: 708-599-3873
Location: Fusion Recplex | 1:00PM – 2:30PM
Senior Movie is ever 2nd Tuesday of the month.
Day Date Fee
Tues April 11th Free
Tues May 9th Free